
World Presidents' Organization – Golden West Chapter
Educational Event with Keynote Speaker John Forsyte, President, Pacific Symphony
Renée and Henry Segerstrom Concert Hall
Costa Mesa, California
WPO Golden West is a 50-member chapter of World Presidents' Organization. "An Experience in Four Movements" was the first private showing of the Renée and Henry Segerstrom Concert Hall approximately one week after formal public unveiling. During the event, attendees were escorted on a private, behind the scenes tour of the new facility, heard from keynote speaker John Forsyte, President of the Pacific Symphony, and saw a live, private performance by the Pacific Symphony with a living rendition of Mozart as the master of ceremonies. Pivotal Events was responsible for event logistics, marketing the event to members, and registration.
WPO International selected this event for its 2007 "Best in Arts & Culture" award.
Please find below the mailed event invitation and email invitation. The mailed invitation was rolled into a tube and sent along with a conductor's baton.
Event Invitation – Print Version
Event Invitation – Email Version

The feat of magic you pulled off to get the Segerstrom event produced was even more spectacular than your ability to get Mozart to come back from the dead to MC the show!
You have the perfect balance of providing input and taking directions and you remained poised during the pressure of using a brand new venue that was not ready for us until the night we arrived for the event.
You are the best.
David Lewin
Board Member, WPO Golden West