In a Wind in the Willows manner, Mr. Rabbit, Mr. Toad, and Mr. Fox were all fast friends; And each was an excellent business-creature exploring multiple profitable ends.
Whilst hiking through the hills, pontificating on all the business dragons they were going to slay; Mr. Rabbit observed, "2009 is more gone than coming. While the sun’s still shining, we'd best make hay."
Mr. Toad exclaimed, "Indeed, the summer is now past and the winter holidays are approaching fast; We must all make our fortunes for 2009 or Mrs. Toad will be aghast (and leave me for Mr. Frog)."
Mr. Fox, of course, the wisest and most cunning of the crew, knew exactly what to do; "Since schmingling is the key to great wealth, let's host a festive business mixer with every furry who's who."
And as mutant carnivorous field creatures who like their red meat and like it rare; They decided since Mr. Cow was not there that beef nibblets (and martinis) at Lawry's on October 22nd, would be the featured fare.
Your Anthropomorphized Hosts, Tracy Kwiker and Gordon Einstein
Save the Date for Future NoNameTag Events:
We're goin' on sabbatical. You know due to the coma you get after gorging on really good meat.
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Date & Time: Octobber 22, 2009, 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Attire: Business
RSVP: You missed the meat. No need to RSVP now.