Dear Uncle Sam... Walton,
We the consumers of the United Markets of Debtopia, hold these truths to be self-evident, that all supply chains are not created equal, that "rolling back prices" was a PR coup, and that your Smiley mascot is pretty darn clever, even if you did swipe it from the Watchmen. Furthermore, we resoundingly reject the snooty Europhile airs of that second-rate hack competitor of yours, Targét.
Therefore, fellow Debtopians, let's celebrate these Truths by giving collective thanks to our forefathers for securing our certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Always Low Prices... Always (oh, and that Happiness thing, too).
Come pursue your pursuit of happiness at The Beverly Hilton Aqua Star Pool, an outdoor vogue oasis reminiscent of times past when Hollywood played poolside, while you watch famous American beach movies and sip on the specialty drink of the evening, the "Made in China."
Your Indebted Hosts,
Tracy Kwiker and Gordon Einstein

Date & Time: July 2, 2009, 6:00 PM - 9:30 PM
Attire: Business Attire
RSVP: You're too late. Well, as they say, "Easy come, easy go..."