past event


NONAMETAG presents...


Here's to Keeping Life in Perspective




Do you think it is tough out there now? What with layoffs everywhere and the Dow getting hacked?

Well... we say keep your chin up and think about someone who had it REALLY rough. 216 years ago on December 11, 1792, Louis XVI was put on trial for treason in revolutionary France. This, of course, illustrates the point that it is always important to keep your head on (your neck) when the situation gets sketchy. Personally, we think that Louis got a bum rap and was doing the best that he could under the circumstances.

In any event, regardless of your estate, please join us and raise a toast to Louis the Last at the beautiful and très chic Sidebar ultra lounge in the luxurious Beverly Wilshire Hotel. And always remember - times of great change are also times of great opportunity!

Your Level Headed Hosts,
Tracy Kwiker and Gordon Einstein

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Location: Sidebar Lounge at the Beverly Wilshire Hotel
Date & Time: December 11, 2008, 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Attire: Business
RSVP: You missed your opportunity. Heads will roll for this...