past event


NONAMETAG presents...


...We're Gonna Party Like It's 7D9




Dear Friends,

Some people say that 50 is the new 30. Ummm, not so sure about that one – but we do have the math to prove that 40 is the new 28. How, you ask? Just because we have 10 fingers, doesn’t mean we have to be digit bigots. Ever heard of the “hexadecimal” numbering system? You know, the numbering system used by computers? You know, that boxy thing you use at work to play on Facebook?

Oh yeah, by the way, did we mention yet that Gordon happens to be turning “28” on August 6th, the day of our next NoNameTag mixer? So please join us poolside for some business schmingling (schmoozing + mingling) at the swanky Avalon Hotel and help Tracy keep Gordon in decimal denial.

The drink of the evening will be the “Geezer.” P.S. (I know a P.S. is supposed to go after the signature, but it's important). If you haven't clicked on all the links, you're missing out on the best part.

Your Hosts, Tracy Kwiker and Gordon Einstein

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Date & Time: August 6, 2009, 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Attire: Business
RSVP: The party was over ages ago. Did you miscount again?