past event


NONAMETAG presents...


Come and Form Your Own Social Axis for 2009!




Well, you guessed it... exactly seven years ago President George W. Bush declared his intention to confront the newly-minted "Axis of Evil" in his 2002 State of the Union Address. In light of the success of that venture (ahem...) and the Obama administration taking over by the time this mixer happens, we suggest that it's now time to focus instead on building an "Axis of Events" to get us all through 2009 in fine style.

Let's get off to an explosive start by renewing old alliances and meeting some new recruits at the wonderful West Restaurant located at the top/penthouse floor of the newly remodeled and euro-trendy Angeleno Hotel.

And, for those of you who are inclined to appreciate good political satire without taking offence, enjoy The Axis Pandemic, a piece written right after W's speech. If you just want to get a good laugh, check out President Bush's impersonation of Dr. Evil.

Your Eeeevil Hosts,
Tracy Kwiker and Gordon Einstein

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Location: West Restaurant at the Angeleno Hotel
Date & Time: January 29, 2009, 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Attire: Business
RSVP: You missed it. We're you off forging your own axis?