Jerry Nickelsburg, Senior Economist
UCLA Anderson Forecast
Jerry Nickelsburg joined the UCLA Anderson Forecast in 2006 as a senior economist. At the Anderson Forecast he plays a key role in the economic modeling and forecasting of the Los Angeles, Southern California, and California economies. He is a regular presenter at the Los Angeles Mayor’s Economic Conference and has been cited in the national and local media including the Financial Times, New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Reuters, Variety, CNBC, NBC, PBS, and L.A. Business Journal. Mr. Nickelsburg received his Ph.D. in economics with a specialty in monetary economics and econometrics in 1980 from the University of Minnesota. He was formerly a professor of economics at the University of Southern California and has held executive positions with McDonnell Douglas, Flight Safety International, and Flight Safety Boeing. Mr. Nickelsburg has held a position with the Federal Reserve Board of Governors developing forecasting tools, and has advised banks, investors, and financial institutions. He is a Korda Fellowship recipient, USC Outstanding Teacher recipient, and Fulbright Scholar. He has published more than 40 articles on monetary economics, econometrics, aviation economics, and industrial organization.
During the closing plenary session, Mr. Nickelsburg will provide an update on the current status of the macro economy and the capital markets. In so doing, he will speak to the fiscal and monetary stimulus measures currently in place and the UCLA Anderson Forecast for the U.S. and California economies.
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Jerry Nickelsburg, Senior Economist
UCLA Anderson Forecast

During the closing plenary session, Mr. Nickelsburg will provide an update on the current status of the macro economy and the capital markets. In so doing, he will speak to the fiscal and monetary stimulus measures currently in place and the UCLA Anderson Forecast for the U.S. and California economies.
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