SB 375 represents the largest and potentially most influential California land use legislation in over 30 years. Recently signed into law, SB 375 will profoundly impact the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) review process, regional transportation planning, and development throughout California. For example, the legislation mandates regional metropolitan planning organizations to set regional greenhouse gas emission reduction targets and establishes new CEQA incentives that encourage higher-density, transit-oriented development. This panel will address whether CEQA incentives provide a real incentive for developers or agencies and whether SB 375 represents a loss of local control, and if so, in what ways. The panel also will review upcoming opportunities for public and agency participation in the SB 375 process, including the selection of regional carbon reduction targets for 2020 and 2035 and regional transportation plans.
Click here to view the PowerPoint presentation presented at the Crocker Symposium.
Jonathan Zasloff, Professor
UCLA School of Law
Jonathan Zasloff has served as a professor of law at UCLA since 1998. He teaches Torts, Land Use, Environmental Law, Comparative Urban Planning Law, Legal History, and Public Policy Clinic: Land Use, the Environment and Local Government. Active in state and local politics, Professor Zasloff has served for several years as a senior policy advisor to the Speaker of the California Assembly. He also serves on the boards of the Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy and the Los Angeles Center for Law and Justice. MORE>
Beth Collins-Burgard, Senior Associate
Latham & Watkins LLP
Beth Collins-Burgard is a senior associate at Latham & Watkins LLP, where she practices land use and environmental law, focusing on high-controversy projects. She assists developers through all stages of the entitlement and development process, including litigation. MORE>
Huasha Liu, Director of the Deparment of Planning Methods, Assessment & Compliance
Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG)
Huasha Liu is the Director of the Department of Planning Methods, Assessment & Compliance at SCAG and has more than 20 years of experience in transportation and regional planning. In addition, Ms. Liu also has substantial planning experience in Nanjing, China, focusing on regional collaboration and public policy for economic development in the Pacific Rim.
Jeff Weir, Air Pollution Specialist
California Air Resources Board
Jeff Weir is an air pollution specialist with the California Air Resources Board (ARB). He is ARB’s main contact on transportation demand issues. He recently drafted the California State air quality plan staff proposal and is ARB’s lead staffer for the land use and transportation section of the AB 32 Scoping Plan, which includes SB 375 implementation.
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SB 375 represents the largest and potentially most influential California land use legislation in over 30 years. Recently signed into law, SB 375 will profoundly impact the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) review process, regional transportation planning, and development throughout California. For example, the legislation mandates regional metropolitan planning organizations to set regional greenhouse gas emission reduction targets and establishes new CEQA incentives that encourage higher-density, transit-oriented development. This panel will address whether CEQA incentives provide a real incentive for developers or agencies and whether SB 375 represents a loss of local control, and if so, in what ways. The panel also will review upcoming opportunities for public and agency participation in the SB 375 process, including the selection of regional carbon reduction targets for 2020 and 2035 and regional transportation plans.
Click here to view the PowerPoint presentation presented at the Crocker Symposium.
Jonathan Zasloff, Professor
UCLA School of Law

Beth Collins-Burgard, Senior Associate
Latham & Watkins LLP

Huasha Liu, Director of the Deparment of Planning Methods, Assessment & Compliance
Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG)

Jeff Weir, Air Pollution Specialist
California Air Resources Board

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