Hi Ladies,
Well, based on the weather these past few days it's a bit unclear whether Southern California wants to hang on to summer or jump headlong into winter, but there’s definitely no doubt that it's time for our last Saturday Supper of 2010. For our next dinner, taking place on October 16th, we’ll be dining at Matteo's in West L.A. Since Matteo’s first came onto the scene in 1963, the restaurant has literally hosted the “who’s who” of Hollywood movers and shakers. And, more than 40 years later having just gone through a grand renovation, Matteo’s is the perfect combination of homey and hip.
So that we can begin getting to know each other before dinner, we will meet for cocktails at 6:45 PM. We will be seated for dinner promptly at 7:30 PM, so please arrive no later than 7:15 PM. I encourage you to arrive at 6:45 PM and join us for cocktails. Take a moment and RSVP.
If you would like to bring a guest with you, please forward this invitation to your guest and have her RSVP directly through the Socializr RSVP system so that I can send her our final confirmation email that goes out to attendees a few days before the event. If you are unable to make this event, I look forward to seeing you at the Saturday Supper next quarter.
Best regards,
Tracy Kwiker
P.S. If you would prefer not to receive these invitations, please click on the unsubscribe link at the bottom of this email.